Treat deep facial lines or wrinkles Significantly tighten loose or sagging skin Remove deep scars
A history of abnormal skin scarring A naturally dark complexion A tendency to have extra pigmentation of your scars Used certain acne treatments recently Skin conditions or medications that make the skin more sensitive than normal
Active herpes simplex or warts in the area to be treated History of recent chemotherapy or radiotherapy Patients with vitilgo Pregnant women and women on active breastfeeding Patients with history of autoimmune disease ( psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis etc.) or any condition that may weaken their immune system
Your goals Medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments, hormonal pills, herbal supplements, smoking and alcohol usage History of abnormal pigmentation and scarring (hypertrophic scars or keloids) Family history of facial pigmentation History of Herpes and flare-ups
The face is cleansed with a degreasing lotion and then the peeling agent is brushed on to the skin and left for few minutes. This may cause mild stinging sensation. After the intended time period, the peeling agent is neutralized and wiped off.
This provides healthier glow to the skin and may have to be repeated at regular intervals to achieve the desired results. recovery period is almost zero, you may go back to work in an hour.
Light peels may cause temporary redness, stinging, skin flaking and irritation from light. Rarely may be associated with hyperpigmentation. High SPF sunscreen, moisturizer.
It is indicated in people with Acne scars, deeper wrinkles and uneven skin colour.
It helps in removing skin cells from both the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis).
Most common peeling agents are TCA (trichloroacetic acid), Jessner’s solution and glycolic acid
Your face is cleansed with a degreasing lotion and then the peeling agent is brushed on to the skin and left for few minutes. This may cause mild stinging sensation. Once your skin turns greyish white, the peeling agent is neutralized and wiped off. Then the peeling agent is neutralized with saline compress. The peeling process starts within 48 hours and may last for a week.
You may take 2 weeks to complete the process, but within 4-7 days, you may see the new skin growing.
Hyperpigmentation, prolonged redness in few patients, and rarely scarring.
It is indicated in people with deeper facial wrinkles, skin that’s damaged by the sun, scars, areas that appear blotchy or even pre-cancerous growths.
Deep peels penetrate down to the lower dermal layer of your skin.
A deep chemical peel usually involves careful assessment of your skin clinically and pre-treatment for up to eight weeks.
This will prepare your skin for the peel and speed the healing process.
Retinoic acid cream or gel – derived from vitamin A helps to thin out the skin’s surface layer, allowing the chemical solution to penetrate more evenly and deeply.
For people with cardiac issues, phenol, a deep peeling agent may cause problems, so you should discuss your cardiac problems if any with your treating doctor clearly.
This will be done under day care admission with sedation. After cleansing the face, phenol solution is brushed onto the skin and after appropriate time interval is neutralized with saline. Then the face is covered with thick layer of ointment and gauze if required.
may take nearly 2 months to perceive final result, ofcourse the new skin starts appearing in 7-10 days. Deep facial peels may result in peeling, crusting, skin redness and discomfort, swelling for several days. You may return to work after 10 days. One treatment with a deep chemical peel will produce long-lasting and dramatic results that can last up to few years.
Local antibiotic, analgesic creams, high quality sunscreens and moisturizing agents.
You may expect bruising, swelling, blunting of sensations, and hardness over the operated areas for few days. Sutures over liposuction cannula sites may be removed after 1'st week. Most patients are able to resume a normal work schedule within 1 week.
You may be advised to wear a compression foam and the compression garment to make you comfortable, and reduce the swelling and bruising. The compression garment may have to be worn 24/7 for a period of 4-6 weeks.
You may be advised to refrain from heavy exercise, and gymming for a period of 6 weeks. The full effect of surgery should be noticed within 6 months.
Chemical peel agents resurface the skin by inducing controlled wound and thus removing superficial layers of the skin. As a result, they promote the growth of new healthy top skin layer and improve skin problems like hyperpigmentation, fine lines, superficial wrinkles uneven texture etc.
Depending on the type of peel, you may notice a mild tingling sensation or feel heat on the skin. Some acids are neutralized by us and some acids are self-neutralizing, so they keep working after you leave. By the second or third day, you’ll notice peeling or flaking around the mouth and then the forehead. If you keep your skin well-hydrated with moisturizer, it will continue to peel for seven to 10 days.
One week before the chemical peel, you should avoid waxing, electrolysis and other skin procedures. Discontinue the medications like retinol, local steroids 2-3 days before the procedure. Patients who have had recent cosmetic procedures like laser hair removal or dermal fillers should avoid the chemical peel till the inflammation subsides completely.
Chemical peels should be done in a series of three to six peels. For the best results, we recommend a series of six peels, three weeks apart.
After the medium and deep peel, you will have a down time. After the deep peel, you will require a recuperation of 2-3 weeks’ time at home.
Use a soap free cleanser to wash your face. Hydrating moisturizer should be applied twice daily or as often as required to relieve dryness and control peeling. A physical sun block must be worn twice daily. It’s best to avoid prolonged sun exposure for 1 week post peel.
Avoid heat, exposure to sunlight, avoid harsh exfoliants and active cleansers for weeks after the peel.As skin begins to flake and peel, do not pull, scrub or prick at the skin.
For superficial peels, there is no down time, but it needs to be repeated 3-5 times at regular intervals to perceive the results. For deep peels, you need 2 weeks down time to perceive the results.
Continental Hospitals, Plot No 3, Road No. 2, Financial District, Gachibowli, Nanakramguda, Telangana 500032
(+91) 7702515051
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